Promotion and Assessment

For the Metropolitan Police Promotion processes, please go to Upcoming Events.

We specialise in helping individuals to achieve competitive success in interviews and assessment centres.

I've passed silhouette

Our work has included:

  • Open courses held at conference facilities in Loughton, where Brooklyn Consultancy is based (day and residential facilities).
  • Courses for syndicates and action learning sets.
  • Courses for specific work groups.
  • One-to-one coaching programmes tailored to individual success.

Significantly, and perhaps uniquely, our learning and development opportunities are specific to the assessment process undertaken. The majority of our work in this area involves training and coaching for police officers attempting a Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) promotion process. As such, this website is also home to and This training is always presented by our Director Tracy Hayden, who specialises in this work.

The training or coaching takes place at beautiful Debden House in Loughton. Delegates are able to stay overnight at the centre for £55 per person on a bed but no breakfast basis. Alternatively, we are well-served with two local premier inns, at Buckhurst Hill and Waltham Abbey.

We’ve been presenting our MPS promotion courses at Debden House since 2000 and we often see the same people every few years when they are attempting promotion to the next rank.

Our highly successful promotion courses are frequently over-subscribed and the pass rate is always high. At the foot of this page, please see some testimonials from officers who passed their promotion process during recent years.

We help individuals understand the recruitment or assessment process and how to provide evidence of competencies. Candidates practise a range of assessment exercises, including:

  • Interviews
  • Presentations
  • Stakeholder briefings
  • Role-plays
  • In-tray exercises
  • Interactive exercises
  • Group discussions

Over 2000 candidates have achieved promotion or selection following attendance on a Brooklyn event. It is a testament to our success in this field that all our learners pay for the courses from their own funds and there is a waiting list for the training.

Recent testimonials

“I have benefitted from Tracy’s knowledge and experience having attended Brooklyn promotion courses for both the Insp and Chief Insp process.  Tracy offers great clarity around the demands of the process and takes the time to explain in detail what to expect and how the competencies and values link in. This enables you to consider your experience and evidence before using group discussion and role play to practice your presentation.

I would recommend Tracy’s input without hesitation”

Kelly H, passed the Chief Inspector promotion process, Winter 2023

I have attended the Brooklyn Consultancy promotion course for my last two promotions in 2019 & 2023 and passed on the first occasions both times. In the Chief Inspector process I  scored highly enough to be put forward for the National Fast Track to Superintendent process at the College of Policing.   

 Tracy runs the course in a really structured and professional manner. The course group is big enough to benefit from other people’s thoughts and experiences but small enough that it feels that it is being delivered specifically to you and bespoke to your needs and understanding.

 A binder is provided to you at the beginning of the course which clearly details and explains the  values and competencies in detail, the next two days is spent going through each element of the promotion process.  Tracy also provided practice scenarios for each element that are really really useful.

 I cannot recommend Tracy and the content of the course highly enough.  I have recommended the course to numerous colleagues, all of whom have passed the processes first time as well. In my opinion it’s a must if you only want to go through the process once.”

Hailey P, passed the Chief Inspector promotion process, Winter 2023



“I’m glad to say I passed today with it being my third attempt. After the second failed attempt I used your product and as a result I scored 47 this time. In my two previous attempts I scored 25/29 respectively so that screams volumes about how valuable your content is.

Thank you so much and I will use you in the first instance when it comes to sitting my inspectors 🙂

Thank you once again”

Mark F, passed the Sergeant promotion process, Winter 2023

“The course was brilliant. It was my first attempt at the PS-Insp process. I had no idea what to expect but the course really did demystify the process and help me to choose the best examples, which led to me scoring all 5’s across the board! Tracy was so welcoming and engaging, whilst ensuring the course stayed on track so that everyone got the most out of it. I’d recommend it to everyone going through a process! I can’t thank Tracy enough.”

Val T, passed the Inspector promotion process, Summer 2023

“Just to let you know, that thanks to you and your course I was successful in the PS-Insp process.
I wanted to thank you as I am in no doubt that, were it not for attending, I wouldn’t have got this result. It was a relaxed, friendly and inclusive environment which made me feel comfortable and A LOT of the points and tips that you brought to the table came up and as they did, I thanked god I had the fortune to have been on your course!”

Tim H, passed the Inspector promotion process, Summer 2023

“Never having been confident in previous promotion processes, at the recommendation of a friend I attended Tracy’s course for the 2018 Inspectors process and passed convincingly on my first attempt. This course was in-person and I found it particularly useful as Tracy has a really down-to-Earth, approachable personality and has a great technique for quickly breaking the ice in a group situation and for getting everyone to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Tracy’s breakdown of the competencies and the individual exercises is key to being able to understand what is required for those elements and for how to score well.

I used Tracy once again for the Chief Inspector process and once again passed first time, largely thanks to the excellent course content and the fact that Tracy provides invaluable insight into structures that work together with her suggestions about what topics may appear within the assessment centres.

I cannot recommend Tracy highly enough, and I will most definitely be attending her course again for any future attempt at the Superintendent process.”

Mike J, passed the Chief Inspector promotion process, Summer 2021

I have had the pleasure of attending two courses with Tracy. In 2018 I attended the PC-PS course and this year 2021 the Sgt-Insp course, both of which lead me to passing both processes first time in a relatively short time period. The biggest challenge I faced was understanding the competencies and knowing what examples would fit where. The booklet and the course for both ranks really nailed this for me and on both occasions I came away with a far better understanding of which examples to use and how to structure them. The same applied for the sgt E-tray and more recently the Insp stakeholder briefing. Knowing how the competencies apply in these assessments and understanding how to use a structure was key for me. Tracy has been doing these for years and understands what the assessors want and where people fall down. People have asked me, “Is it really worth the money”, my answer for both ranks is Yes. When you think about how much time you spend studying, the disruption to your own time and how emotionally invested you are in passing, by the time results day comes along I can say it is totally worth the money and I will certainly be back to do my Chief Inspectors in a few years.”

Simon O, passed the Inspector promotion process, Summer 2021

“I do not think I would have got through without your help. The course was extremely beneficial and I will recommend it. The most useful part for me personally was the help and guidance around structuring the presentation. That exercise I felt, we had the least input or guidance internally, so the extra support was incredible. I picked up marks due to the structure and easy to follow format was mentioned on my feedback. This was all advice I picked up from your help.”

Lee D, passed the Inspector promotion process, Summer 2021

“I passed the 2020 Inspector Process and put the strong score I achieved down to the insights and confidence the Brooklyn Consultancy course gave me. After two days of in-depth learning and practice with Tracy, I was ready to tackle the assessments head on. The course gave me everything I needed, including structures to assist with each assessment, an opportunity to practice and get feedback on my evidence from my peers, and an excellent background understanding of the CVF and what was required to hit each competency.Tracy is expert in providing support to candidates and is a really passionate and engaging course lead. Any concerns I had about the process before her course were gone by the time the course was finished, meaning I went into the assessment centre with a huge amount of confidence.”

Rob W, passed the Inspector promotion process, Summer 2020.

“I found the course to be brilliant. It was great for helping me identify the right evidence to use in my interview and present it in the best possible way. I was most worried regarding the presentation part of the assessment centre but Tracy’s models worked brilliantly and gave me a structure I could really understand and present confidently on the day. Not only did I pass, but I scored in the top percentage of candidates and was invited to participate in the Superintendents fast track process. There is no way this would have happened without the course and Tracy’s help and support. I would recommend these courses to anyone seeking promotion.”

Geoff, one of 5 Brooklyn delegates to achieve a Top 11 performance in the Chief Inspector promotion process, Winter, 2019.

“I was successful in the promotion process. I would like you to know that I feel it was in large part due to the excellent preparation course you provided and the invaluable experience and wisdom you imparted. I shall certainly be applying for a space on one of your courses when I submit my application to be an inspector! Thank you again for everything”

Conor W, passed the Sergeant Promotion Process, Autumn 2019.

“I was advised to go on the Brooklyn course by a colleague who was adamant that they wouldn’t have passed the inspectors process without the guidance of Tracy. I found the course to be incredibly beneficial towards every aspect of the promotion process. Following the course I had a much clearer understanding of the competencies and what the assessors were looking for. This really helped me with my examples for my interview. The E-tray and SJT was a real unknown area for me, but thanks to the course, I had a strong understanding of what these exercises were about. When the course had finished, on speaking to others who were going through the promotion process and hadn’t gone on the Brooklyn course, I was clearly far better prepared, and this really filled me with confidence.
On a personal note, Tracy is caring and sincere, and clearly wants the best for her candidates. She is fantastic at what she does. The venue is ideal for the course, and allows you to get away and focus solely on your promotion for 2 days”

Mat – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process, Autumn 2018.

“Your 2-day police constable to sergeant course came highly recommended. I would not have achieved my level of success without attending the course. The course E-tray exercise provided me with great insight and boosted my confidence. I enjoyed the interaction with my course cohort. The board section ensured that my evidence was geared towards the right section. I particularly loved the one-to-one I had with you before the session on the second day, which answered a burning question I had overnight. Most especially, your brief input on the SJT was enough to secure me a good grade for that section without any need for me to do any form of practice. I will definitely be referring Brooklyn Consultancy and hope to see you in a few years time.”

Amara – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process winter 2017 and went on to pass the Inspector promotion process in summer 2021 after attending our course.

“I would really recommend Brooklyn Consultancy to anyone seeking promotion, or even to discover what police promotion processes look like. The competencies, drivers and indicators in promotion processes often change and this is a really good way to stay apprised and updated. I found that the small learner groups were really helpful in networking across other areas of policing and providing the candidate the opportunity to explore each other’s evidence and also share learning styles. The mock role-plays really provided me with confidence when I went into the formal assessment process. There is no doubt that participation really prepares candidates to perform at their best on the big day. I would wholeheartedly recommend candidates to explore their promotion aspirations through Brooklyn Consultancy.”

Paul F – One of 6 Brooklyn candidates in the top 15 at the Chief Inspector Promotion Process, January 2018.

“I was successful in the 2017 DS – DI process and would urge anyone undergoing a promotion process at any level to invest in themselves and attend this excellent course. The course was intense, but also very enjoyable; it simplified and demystified the competency framework and introduced a clear focus on what is needed to evidence them. It enabled me to approach each exercise in a structured way which maximises the opportunities to evidence each competency. As well as the benefit of Tracy’s significant experience in police promotions, the course imparts a lot of current information bespoke to that particular process, and the written materials were excellent. I scored 5 in the written exercise with no development areas, and comfortably passed the other areas, thanks in no small part to this course.”

Greg C – passed the MPS Inspector Promotion Process Spring 2017 and went on to pass the Chief Inspector Process Summer 2021, after attending our course.

“I found the 2 day PS to Insp course hugely helpful in my preparation. Whilst I did not adopt every strategy I am confident that I would have failed the process if I had not followed Tracy’s guidance. I would single out for special mention the input on the written exercise, which led to so many strong candidates failing in the 2017 process. I followed Tracy’s formula to the letter, and passed. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not have passed without her. If you think the course is expensive, just remember that you will make that money back in your first pay check as an Inspector – so worth every penny!”

Colin J – passed the MPS Inspector Promotion Process Spring 2017.

“Tracy’s course explained the new MPS Leadership Framework in detail and also how the sub-competencies would be tested in each exercise. The models and structures were really helpful for the interview, but the main value of the course was the insight into the new E tray exercise. The practise scenario used on the course was very helpful when it came to the real thing and I scored very highly in this exercise. I would definitely recommend this course to others.”

Olly – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process Winter 2016.

“I was lucky enough to get a last minute space on the course with Tracy and it paid off. The course itself was intense with lots of information and exercises but it was well presented and laid out professionally in a brochure to guide us through. The course input from Tracy, complimented by the documentation, greatly assisted my preparation for both the board and assessment day. From interview techniques, guidance on structuring answers, in-depth break down of sub competencies and what to expect on the assessment day, I have no doubt the course increased my overall scores from average to 3rd highest on my borough”

Adam – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process Winter 2016.

“With the new promotion framework, your course helped me get a greater understanding of the competencies and also an invaluable insight into what the assessors want. Recommended to anyone looking at promotion.”

Matt – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process Winter 2016.

“I am in no doubt that the content and professional guidance from Tracy was pivotal in the difference between passing and excelling. Following the course I was fully focussed on what I needed to do. This extra preparation ensured my presentation was relevant. I scored top marks in all of the four competencies. I strongly recommend this course if you are serious about promotion.”

Bruce Collett – passed the MPS Inspector Promotion Process Winter 2015.

“One of the things that impressed my interview panel most was the structuring of my answers, remembering legacy and short/medium/long term approaches for speculative questions.

The course broke down the competency framework so I understood it fully,  stressed the importance of  positive answers  and set realistic expectations on how much work I actually had ahead of me. I have no doubt that had I not undertaken the course I would not have scored so highly – I achieved 19/20 and following my interview a Chief Inspector asked for a referral to Hayden Consultancy!”

Charlie Miles – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process Spring 2015 and went on to pass the Inspector Promotion Process 2020 after attending our course.

“Tracy’s course was vital in my preparation for the promotion process and I finally now understand the MPS Performance Framework! The learning environment gave me a chance to practice my board presentation and example techniques with my peers, which gave me the confidence boost I needed prior to my assessment day. I scored 20/20 and put my polished delivery down to Brooklyn Consultancy  – I would not have achieved these scores without attending the course.”

Grace Blake – passed the MPS Inspector Promotion Process Winter 2015 and went on to pass the Chief Inspector Promotion Process 2018 after attending our course.

Despite having plenty of evidence and working hard for my board, I failed my first promotion process dismally. Following the course with Brooklyn, I passed the subsequent process with flying colours. The course helped me to really understand the framework and how to articulate my answers during the interview. Well worth the money I spent!”
Dan Window – passed the MPS Sergeant Promotion Process Spring 2015.
I attended the Sergeant to Inspector’s Course with Brooklyn and I believe it was invaluable and the main reason for my success in the process. The detailed information around the MPF and Met Values meant I fully understood the process and how I would be assessed. This enabled me to maximise the delivery of my evidence at the correct level. The processes I learnt on the course have helped me as a Manager/Leader ever since and I thoroughly recommend this course for anyone applying for promotion. Thank you Tracy for all your help and guidance.”
Gavin Bolton – passed the MPS Inspector Promotion Process Winter 2015 and went on to pass the Chief Inspector Promotion Process 2019 after attending our course.